I am linking up with Celebrate Life to look back at what I have learned over the past week. If you have never been to her site, check it out. I became hooked reading about her recent adoption and her beautiful daughter!
We needed a last hurrah for the summer. So, Wade, my mom and I decided to go to the Gulf Shores, Alabama for a little fun in the sun. Now, I am not a beach girl - give me mountains and cold any day, but Wade loves the water. So, I packed up my sunscreen and off we went!
Here is what I learned:
- Wade can (and will) chat up any females he can find. He picked up two 7th grade girls on the first day and met up with them every day after that.
- When you take a child to the beach, they will invariably want to swim in the pool.
- Taking a nap while said child is wanting to go to the beach is a near impossible feat.
- Sand, salt water and my beloved Kindle do not mix. (RIP, dear Kindle.)
- Only I can go to the beach to relax and come back with a crick in my neck.
- Swimmer's Ear will invariably wait to show up until you drop your child off for the weekend with his dad.
-Wade thinks that next year he "can maybe" take a GIRLfriend with him! (He's 10...t-e-n.)
Come to think of it...maybe I learned more than I want to know!